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Showing posts from July, 2020


CREATING PRAYER POINTS How to go about CREATING PRAYER POINTS As a prayer ministry, a significant amount of our time is dedicated to  creating prayer points  and praying. There is no requirement that one should create prayer points. Neither is there a requirement that soldiers should plan what to target and what to capture when going into war. When you recognise that prayer is warfare, you also acknowledge the value of planning for this war. There is no secret formula for  creating prayer points . However, they can be created with certain themes or goals at their core. What are you believing God for? Today our churches are filled with individuals who have been drawn in by a message of what they can get from being there. The gospel of Christ has become one of material gain in many cases. This isn’t to say that God doesn’t want us to have any material. However, this is not the message of the cross, this is not what Christ’s death and resurrection was about. I say


PRAYER POINTS FOR DIVINE PROTECTION SCRIPTURE: Psalm 91:1 PRAYER POINT: Almighty Father, I commit my life into your hands, please keep me in your secret place. Please keep me where the hand of the enemy cannot touch me in the name of Jesus! SCRIPTURE: Psalm 91:2 PRAYER POINT: Lord, my life is in your hands, please be my refuge and my fortress in the name of Jesus! SCRIPTURE: Psalm 91:7 PRAYER POINT: Almighty Father, I pray that a thousand of my enemies may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand; but it shall not come near me in Jesus name! SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 54:17 PRAYER POINT: No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against me in judgement shall be condemned in Jesus mighty name! SCRIPTURE: Psalm 7:10, Job 22:25 PRAYER POINT: Most High God, my life is in your hand, please be my defence. Protect me when I go out, protect me when I come in, protect me all the days of my life in the name of Jesus! SCRIPTURE: Malachi 3:6 PRAYER POINT: Unchangeab